- Dress Code:
- All pupils must be in school uniform all the time and must always be smart shirts must always be tucked
in and stockings raised to the right height.
- These will not be tolerated any absenteeism must be reported before or in advance and a reasonable explanation
given. Lateness is an offence.
- Pupils must be clean all the time and must carry handkerchiefs, nails must be short, hair must be well maintained
(personal Hygiene must be upheld)
- Pupils will be held responsible for any loss of their properties I.E Books, uniforms or any learning material.
- Pupils are not allowed to use abusive or rude language to others or to the teachers those who do so will be punished
through the laid down machinery
- Unnecessary shouting or noise will not be allowed in the school compound.
- Any damage to school property by any pupil will be viewed with a lot of concern immediate repair or replacement
of damaged property will be required
- No child is allowed to run within the school compound walking must be the order.
- Children must not enter the school bus in the absence of the teacher on duty. They must be supervised when getting
in and out.
- All must be sited before the bus moves.
All written or unwritten rules must be observed at all times.