It is my pleasure to welcome you to Ongata Royal Academy. Teaching younger children demands a special set of skills. We are proud of our staff whose expertise is matched by their passion for inspiring children to learn.
The Early Years Education Programme aims at contributing to the emotional, physical, social and intellectual development of our young ones in line also with our mission statement. It develops a positive and balanced image of themselves helps them acquire personal independence and increase its effective capabilities.
As a dedicated kindergarten, your child benefits from specialist teachers and exciting learning programs, designed in line with the Ministry of Education requirements and specific for the early years. We are committed to providing the highest standard of education for your child, but importantly we approach education holistically. We nurture your child’s emotional and social development along with their growing minds.
Best of all, our school is a community where your child feels safe and secure, inspired to dream big and to shine. I feel privileged to be part of this community and we have so much to be proud of. At ORA, we aim high and we learn together. Our teachers inspire your child to think creatively, solve problems and look at issues from many angles.
As per the Ministry of Education guidelines, ORA now offers the new competency based system of education from PP1 to Grade 3. The subjects undertaken in primary school are: English, Kiswahili, Environmental Studies, Mathematics, Christian Religious and Hygiene and Nutrition. Each subject has general and specific objectives that have been clarified and the content spelt out specifically to give guidance to the teachers.
The life skills syllabus has adopted a thematic approach to teaching various social and moral skills. These themes are derived from things and situations that learners are likely to interact with in everyday life.
The curriculum is conducive to all ethnic groups, races and religion irrespective of our diverse differences. Our children are able to live and interact with the environment and utilize the opportunity for the fullest development of individual talents and personality.
ORA offers Kenyan 8.4.4 system of education for these classes. The subjects undertaken are: English, Kiswahili, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, and Christian Religious Studies. Each subject has general and specific objectives that have been clarified and the content spelt out specifically by the Ministry of Education, to give guidance to the teachers.
Teaching/learning experience and assessment methods are outlined every beginning of the term in form of schemes of work and course outlines. Three major evaluation tests are administered in a term, and there are continuous assessment tests every fortnight through the term. Pupils receive outcome records of their performance in each subject area through a written report book signed by the class teacher and the school director.
Parents also get a chance to discuss their children’s results with their respective class teachers at the end of every term. We also welcome any parent who would be interested to know their child’s progress during the term.
In our learning areas, we have integrated French, Computer, Brass band, Music classes, Ballet, Drama and Art into a study area called creative arts.
Research findings show that regular homework, done in a positive climate at home, will support and enhance your child’s educational progress. Getting involved with your child’s school work is a wonderful way for you to bond and it is important that your child knows you value and support their work at school.
Teachers set homework for their classes in increasing amounts as they progress through primary school.