Ongata Royal Academy is a private primary school located in Kandisi, Ongata Rongai. The school admitted its first group of children in January 2011 and we’ve truly been blessed with more since. It was established as a result of a persistent desire and passion for children’s growth from Mr. and Mrs. Mathu, who are also teachers by profession.
Our Mission
To expand the potential of every child, by providing the best quality care, and education opportunities that will enable each individual to develop the desire to learn, and achieve high standards in all aspects of life.
Our Vision
To be a unique centre of academic excellence founded in strong Christian morals and values and to explore and bring out all the available talents and skills and to develop them as needed to benefit the future generations.
Our Motto
An institution Where Every Child Shines
Pillars of Standard
The school is founded on six pillars that are of very high standards:
School Anthem
Ongata Royal is a school
Where every child will forever shine
God being our Pillar, Yes we’ll shine
We lead the rest to the bright future
Yes we know, we’re the best
And they know, we lead the rest
Ongata Royal is a school
Where every child will forever shine
In God we trust, be our guide
Every day, be our light
Ongata Royal is a school
Where every child will forever shine